A DATV SDR Experimental TX/RX solution

You will find here the presentation done by HB9DUG Michel during the DATV Forum at HAMRADIO 2017.

The project goal was to have a demonstrator of a software defined radio for DATV

  •  able to transmit and receive at a minimum, DVB-S standard at low symbol rates
  •  based on open-source software
  •  using fully integrated, low-cost, single-board software defined radio
  •  reproducible by a radio amateur with average knowledge in computer science


The experimental solution described and implemented here is based on the work of

  •  Charles G4GUO, DATV Express software on linux & Windows
  •  Ron W6RZ, gr-dvbs, gr-dvbs2 and gr-dvt2 blocks on GNU Radio
  •  Evariste F5OEO, rpidatv software
  •  Pascal F4DAV, leanDVB – a lightweight software DVB-S demodulator

Without their software, in deep descriptions on the subject, I would not have been successful on this project !

Please note that the author is not either a Linux, python and script file expert and is therefore asking for your indulgence if the description, python and script files are very basic.

The presentation


The project files listed below can be downloaded here :   All-in-One

  •  the transmitter script file : dvbs-mpeg2-b200-go.sh
  •  the receiver script file : leansdr-script.sh
  •  the GNURadio DVB-S transmitter python file : dvbs-tx-var-v4.py
  •  the GNURadio Companion DVB-S transmitter file : dvbs-tx-var-v4.grc
  •  a gift,  the GUI interface for leandvb developed by projectgroep.540 : leandvb-gui.py


Good hack !
HB9DUG Michel